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Order letter/business correspondence
18.10.2015, 18:36


    The letter ordering the goods should be so clear that it could not possible be to misunderstand. It should be exact and complete in every detail as to quantity, quality, size, number, catalogue page and number, shape style, color, price of each, or other item (use sample of paper, cloth) helping toward exact identification. If the buyer is to pay transportation charges, he should specify how the order is to be shipped – mail, express, or freight – unless he leaves this matter to the one who ships. Give complete instruction for shipping.

         Printed order blanks may be used, but in any case a few words should be written in addition to those giving the items and exact instructions relative to the order. Write each item on a separate line beginning at the paragraph margin. If payment is enclosed, state the exact amount and the form in which it is sent – stamps, currency, check, draft, or money order. An enclosure should be clipped to the letter, and in the lower left-hand corner should be written "enclosure”.

         The advantages of the order form are obvious. All the necessary instructions are printed and therefore no important points can be forgotten. There is a space for method of transportation, packing, delivery, insurance, payment term and marks. But the most essential thing is to give an accurate description of the goods which you want to buy. When defining the quality or type of goods wanted, the catalogue should be quoted. The quantity of each ordered item should be clearly stated. Instructions must be given about all necessary documents – Bill of Lading, Certificate of Origin, Consular Invoices – and about the packing, marking and forwarding of the goods. The Order Form number should be quoted in all correspondence. When a covering letter is sent with an order form, essential details will be contained in the form and additional explanations in the letter.

         After receiving an order the usual practice is to acknowledge it at once. This is often done on ready-printed form. In this way the buyer knows that his order has been received and is receiving attention.      


Категория: Business Correspondence | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: covering letter, letter of order topic, letter ordering the goods, сопроводительное письмо, order letter business corresponence, заказное письмо
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