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Applying for a job
22.04.2014, 19:38

Getting a job

Getting a job is a very hard period in the life of most people. Companies choose an employee from hundreds of candidates according to special rules, that’s why there’re special ‘typical’ factors, influencing on employer’s choice. Among such factors are: age, sex, experience, family background and marital status, personality and references.

When you go for a job interview, make sure you arrive on time. An employer will form a poor first impression if show up late. If you realize you may be delayed, call ahead and explain the problem.

During the interview the employer will try to find out what kind of person you are, what experience you have, and how you can fit into the job situation.

After you have got an appointment, review the information that you wrote on your application form and resume. Be prepared to explain your skills and abilities specifically. Bring a resume to the interview. The resume is a printed sheet that tells about your education and work experience. It serves as a written record for the employer.

Go to the interview alone; don’t take your friends or children with you. Plan to arrive about ten minutes before the appointment time. Wear the proper clothes. You should have a neat, clean appearance to have a good impression.

During the interview be honest and modest about yourself. Pay attention as the interviewer talks; answer all the questions clearly and intelligently. Try not to seem bored, even if you realize that the job doesn’t interest you.

Here are some of the questions that employers try to answer when they are interviewing future employees:

- What is this person really like?
  - Does this person have the skills to do the job I have available?

- Will this person fit the team I have now?

- How quickly can this person learn?

- Will this person be willing to work hard and put the interests of the     organization first?

Be prepared to ask your own questions about the job, know the type of work and benefits you want from the position. Write down these questions before you go to the interview.

Finally, express your thanks and be sure that the interviewer knows how to contact you if she or he wants to hire you.


Категория: Business English | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: english topic job interview, applying for a job topic, getting a job topic, топик на английском устройство на р, topic about job application
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