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Environment and its changing/topics for school and students
18.10.2015, 22:20

Environment and its Changing

The life of every living organ­ism, from the simplest bacterium to the largest animal, is known to depend on the structure and physiology of the liv­ing organism and also on the kind of the environment it lives in.

Physical and biological factors act to make a wide varie­ty of environments in different parts of the world. Conditions are rather constant in some tropical lands and seas, but over much of the Earth the temperature and moisture relations and sunlight change markedly with the season.

The life of each plant or animal species is closely connect­ed with the life of plants or animals of other species. No animal lives entirely to itself. On the contrary, each is part of an integrated living community that includes representatives of its kind, many different types of animals and plants of few or many kinds.

Animals and plants are affected by various physical and chemical factors, the most important being sunlight, tempera­ture, water, physical substrate, gases and some others. All the factors mentioned are interrelated and none acts indepen­dently.

Sunlight provides energy used by plants in photosynthesis, but it also warms animal environment and animals themselves. Sunlight raises the temperature of water leading to evaporation which in turn results   in   precipitation   of rain and snow.

Water is the solvent for soil nutrients used by plants as food. It is a necessity for maintaining animal life and is the medium in which many animals live.

It is interesting to note that attempts to change the weather processes over wide areas have not had much success. However, it is possible to make some changes in the micro­climate, that is, in the environment near the organisms. Most of the methods used are aimed at changing either the water balance or the heat balance of an area. As these two things are interrelated, a change in one results in a change in the other. For example, the use of greenhouses or different mate­rials to cover the soil changes the heat balance of an area and leads to different requirements for water.

In addition to changing the local climate, one can discov­er and develop those useful plants and animals that grow best in the given environment, and restrict or destroy those that are harmful. Considerable progress has been made in breed­ing suitable plants and animals and in this way it is pos­sible to extend the production into areas they have not grown before.


Категория: Topics | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: protection of environment topic, environment change english topic, топик на английс, защита окружающей среды английский , topic about environment
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