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Asking for permission/english dialogues
14.10.2015, 20:49

Asking for permission


Daughter: I have a request to you.

Mother: Tell me please.

D: My class is going on a picnic to Murree..

M: What is your purpose?

D: I also want to go with my class.

M: Who are going on picnic?

D: Rashid, Faheem, Saleem, Yaseen all are going on picnic.

M: For how many days is your class going to Murree?

D: Only for one week.

M: When will your class go?

D: Today at night.

M: O.K. you may go. How much money you want?

D: Only one thouasnd.

M: All right take your money. Keep mobile with you so that 
connection between you and me could remain alive.

D: It is great pleasure that you have allowed me to go on picnic. Please give me three suites of different varieties and pack my bag.

M: But I shall go to leave you at railway station because you are my only daughter.

D: Mother, please give me your camera so that I could take different photos of my friends and myself.

M: You have demanded money and camera for the first time.

D: Pray for us because our train is about to leave the station.

M: May you all comeback safe and sound.

D: Goodbye.

M: Goodbye.

Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: Asking for permission dialogues, dialogue between mother and daughte, dialogue asking permission
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