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At a railway station/english dialogues
08.02.2015, 14:34

Dialogue I

- What time is the next train to Victoria, please?

- 9.26. Platform 4. Right up at the front.

- When do we get there?

- It's due in at 11.35, but they're running late today.

- Need I change trains?

- Yes. Change at East Croydon.

Dialogue II.

- When does the London train leave, please?

- 9.25. Platform 3.

- What time does it reach London?

- You should be there at 11.31, but you may be a bit late.

- Do I have to change?

- Yes. You change at Lewes.


Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: conversations at a railway stations, диалоги на английском о поездке на , at a railway station english dialog, going by train dialogues
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