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Businesswoman/english dialogues
27.05.2014, 10:44


Interviewer: – Marjorie Scardino, you are leading one of the top companies in the UK, and you’ve been voted businesswoman of the year. What qualities do you need to run a large company effectively?

Marjorie Scardino: – Well, I think different companies probably require different qualities, but for me there are only a few simple qualities that cut across all requirements, and those are courage and imagination and empathy. And by empathy I mean, having the ability to put yourself in other people’s positions and understand how they feel about situations and ideas.

I:   – What do business leaders actually do?

MS: – My staff would probably say this was a really excellent question they ask themselves every day! I think they create a business idea, and they see it through.

I:   – As a leader, how do you motivate your employees?

MS: – I’d like to think we motivate each other. I think my job is to make  sure the company has a purpose, because I think people like to work for a company that has a reason for being, that they can identify with and feel good about. I think that I have to communicate well with them everything that’s going on – and everything I’m trying to do – in a clear way. And then in return I think they inspire me to think more adventurously and to think more carefully about how to stimulate them and how to build a better business. So it’s a sort of a circular operation.

I:   – Do you think leaders are born or made?

MS: – I think it’s probably a bit of both. All human beings are born with certain qualities, and certain genetic traits. But I’ve seen so many people in my life who have, using those basic qualities, re-invented themselves several times as they have gone into new situations. You know, you are a certain kind of person when you are in school, and your friends know who you are. And then as you grow up you go into new situations and become somebody else. So, I would have to say, mostly leaders are made, but you have to use what you are born with.

Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: dialogue about businesswoman, businesswoman dialogue, английский диалог о бизнес лидерах, english dialogue about business
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