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Discussing London/english dialogues
06.02.2015, 19:53

Dialogue I

- Morning, Sam. Nice to meet you.

- Hello, Helen. Lovely day, isn't it?

- Absolutely wonderful, nice and warm. What are your plans for a day,


- Well, I'm going to help you in making a study of London.

- Oh, I'm very glad to hear it. London is a city of my dream. I believe,

it's an old city, isn't it?

- Certainly, it is.

Dialogue II

- Hello, Jane. What are we going to discuss today?

- Hello! How about political system of Great Britain?

- That's fine. Do you know that Great Britain is a parliamentary


- Sorry, does it mean that the power of the Queen is not absolute?

- That's the thing. Her power is limited by Parliament.

- Her power is elective, isn't it?

- No, that's not so. Her power remains to be hereditary.

- Thank you, I've got that now.


Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: english dialogues about London, диалог о лондоне на английском язык, dialogues about london in english, duscussing political system of grea
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