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Going on holiday/dialogues
06.05.2014, 08:58

                               “GOING ON HOLIDAY”                            

Dialogue I

Brian: It’s your fault than we went to Barbados. It cost much and it was the worst holiday I’ve ever had.

Ann: There’s nothing wrong with Barbados – it’s very beautiful. It’s the travel firm that’s to blame. Their brochure promised all kinds of things about the hotel. You have no right to blame me.

Brian: I’m sorry, Ann. I know it’s not really your fault. I’ll go to the travel agent in the morning and I’ll tell him about everything that went wrong.

Ann: I’ll go too, because I’m going to ask for our money back or another holiday.  

Dialogue II

A.: You’re brown! Where have you been?

B.: We’ve been on holiday.

A.: Where did you go?

B.: We went to Spain.

A.: When did you get back?

B.: Last night. The plane landed at 6.00 in the e

Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: путешествие на английском, discussing holodays, диалог о проведенных каникулах, Диалоги на английском, dialogues about holidays, my holidays dialogu
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