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Going to the beach/english dialogues
29.10.2015, 13:02

Going to the Beach

A: Hi, Chen. How are you?

B: Fine. How are you doing Lisa?

A: Fine. I have been working a lot lately and need a break.

B: Yes, I have been working hard lately too.

A: Well, I was wondering if you would like to come to the beach with me this weekend.

B: Yes, that sounds great! Is it okay if my brother and sister come also?

A: Yeah, that’s fine. I was going to ask them if they wanted to come anyway!

B: Oh, okay great. I think we should leave Friday after work. How does 5:00 sound to you?

A: Leaving at 5:00 sounds fine. We should be ready by then.

B: Okay, I will pick you up from your house at 5:00. I think we should take one car to save gas.

A: Yes, I think that is a good idea. I am excited to go to the beach this weekend!

B: So am I!

A: Okay, I will talk to you later.

B: Okay, bye.

A: Bye.

Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: диалог на английском языке поход на, going to the beach english dialogue, dialogue about going to the beach, best english dialogues
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