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Having meals/english dialogues
04.02.2015, 10:23

Having Meals


Dialogue 1


- Would you like a cup of tea?

- Only if it's not too much trouble.


- Do you like it with milk and sugar?


- Not too much milk and just a half of spoonful of sugar, please.


Dialogue 2


- Would you care for a chocolate biscuit?


- I'd rather have a cream cake, if you don't mind.


- And what will you have to follow the soup?


- I think, I'll have the steak, please.


Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: диалоги на английском meals, english dialogues about meals, having meals english dialogues, talking about meals, dialogue about food
Просмотров: 1410 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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