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In a bank/english dialogues
22.12.2014, 21:21

Dialogue "In a Bank"


Cashier: Now this is the checking account ledger. Each page is a record of a customer’s deposits and withdrawals.


Student: And you give a copy of this to the customer.


C.: That’s right. That’s his statement, which he receives with all his cancelled checks. Then he reconciles it with his own records.


S.: This one is a joint account, isn’t? And pretty active.


C.: Yes, it is.


S.: What’s this debit?


C.: That’s our service charge.


S.: I notice an overdraft here in April.


C.: I’m afraid we’ve had to remind this customer and his wife several times that they must keep a sufficient balance to cover all outstanding checks.


S.: Will I have to learn to recognize all our customers’ signatures?


C.: Yes, you will. Any check we cash must have a genuine signature. But we keep a file of them that you can refer to.


S.: Will I be doing any posting of this ledger?


C.: No, I’m afraid. Not till you are employed in our bank.



Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: диалог на английском языке At a ban, In a bank english dialogue, english dialogue at a bank
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