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In a shop
21.04.2014, 18:41

                              Dialogues "In a shop”

Dialogue I

Bookseller: - Good afternoon! Can I help you?

Catherine: - Good afternoon! I’m looking for a book.

B.: - What book do you need?

C. – I don’t know exactly. Something for my sister.

B.: - How old is your sister?

C.: - She is 8.

B.: - Harry Porter, maybe?

C.: - Rather not. But I think a comic book would be nice.

B.: - Sure! I have twenty books about Garfield. Would you like to see them?

C.: - That would be very nice. Yes, please. How much is this one?

B.: - This one? It’s 2$.


Dialogue II

Shop assistant: - Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Claire: - Good afternoon! I’d like to buy two pounds of potatoes.

S.: - Anything else?

C.: - How much do the apples cost?

S.: They’re 1.25 $ a pound.

C.: Could you give me 2 pounds, please?

S.: Yes, certainly. Is that all?

C.: Yes, thank you.    

Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: In a shop, английский диалог, в магазине диалог на английском, conversation in a shop, english dialogue
Просмотров: 1959 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 3.7/3
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