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In the accounting department/english dialogues
24.12.2014, 17:08

"In the accounting department"


Bruce: Have you finished the balance sheets yet?


Alice: I've been working on them since 10 this morning. It’s almost done.


Bruce: No need to rush. I don't need them until tomorrow morning.


Alice: Janet told me we're looking for a new bookkeeper. Is that true?


Bruce: Yes, We've been looking, but no luck yet.


Alice: I know someone who'd be perfect.


Bruce: Oh really, does she have any experience?


Alice: Of course, she's been working for Smith CPA and Co. since 2004.


Bruce: Great. Ask her to come in for an interview.


Alice: Sounds good. She's not too happy in her current position. I'm sure she'll be interested in interviewing for the job.


Bruce: Oh, I almost forgot to ask ... have you opened the new accounts at Wells Fargo?


Alice: Yes, I have. Here are the account numbers, PIN number, and paperwork.


Bruce: Thanks. Well, let me know when you finish those balance sheets.


Alice: Sure, It should be done soon.



Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: dialogue of accountants, диалог в бухгалтерии на английском , in the accounting department dialog, conversation between bookkeepers
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