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Job Interview/dialogues
27.05.2014, 10:36

The Job Interview

Elena: – Mr. Wilson, I’m calling because of our appointment for your job interview this afternoon.

Mr. Wilson: – Yes, Mrs. Thomson. I’m afraid I’m running a bit late today.

E: – Perhaps we can reschedule the interview for tomorrow?

W: – That won’t be necessary. I’ll probably arrive at your office in about fifteen minutes.

E: – In that case, please meet me in the conference room. Do you know where it is?

W: – I’m not sure but I can ask at the reception desk.

Mr. Wilson: – I apologize for being late, Mrs. Thompson. I’m usually very punctual.

Elena: – That’s quite alright. May I inquire about your previous job?

W: – I worked as a consultant for a law firm.

E: – What kind of skills and experience can you contribute to this company?

W: – I have excellent communication skills and many contacts in this business.

E: – That is precisely what we need, Mr. Wilson. I may be in touch next week to discuss your career with us.

Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: dialogue about job interview, Job interview, английский диалог о принятии на раб, диалог на английском языке, english dialogue job interview
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