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My favourite school subject/english dialogues
26.12.2014, 13:21

My Favourite School Subject


A: Oh, Vicki! Haven't seen you for a long time!


B: Mary, glad to meet you! Where are you going?


A: Actually, I'm going to the library...


B: Really? I'm surprised. What for?


A:  I'd like to look for some interesting information on topic "Continents". You remember, geography is my favourite subject...


B: Well, it's my favourite school subject too, but  the reason is a funny and kind teacher and not my keen interest  in the subject itself...


A:  I see. Vicki. Sorry, but I'm in a hurry, have a lot of things to do today.



Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: диалог на английском о любимом школ, my favourte school subject dialogue, english dialogue about school
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