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Studying in Britain/english dialogues
10.10.2015, 13:00


Dialogue 1

- Hi, cousin. How is your studying in Great Britain?

- Hi, Anita. Studying in the UK is great. And you, don't you plan to study abroad?

- Why not? I would like to. Next year, I'll be in class 11. Is it possible for me to apply to study in Great Britain?

- Yes. You could complete school by doing 'A' levels. You may also wish to do a vocational course. All these will enable you to take up an undergraduate programme. 

- How should I choose where, and what to study?

- There are a lot of schools, colleges and universities in the UK. They offer different kinds of programmes. First you should choose a school and then you can contact with this school using the telephone or e-mail. 

- When is the right time to apply to university?

- The academic year in Britain begins at the end of September or early October. 

Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: английские диалоги для начинающих, dialogues about study in Britain, обучение в Великобритании английски, talking about study abroad
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