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Talking about pollution/english dialogues
22.12.2014, 18:37



A: Do you know that pollution is dangerous for our health?


B: Sure, environmental pollution can cause a lot of human illnesses.


A: Well, this problem is really worrying. And what’s more, there are many kinds of pollution each having its harmful effect.


B: What are they?


A: Oh, except air pollution, I should mention water pollution, soil contamination, noise pollution, light pollution, and even thermal pollution.


B: Thermal? I’ve never heard of such… What’s that?


A: Actually, it’s the increase of temperature caused by human activity.


B: That’s terrible! Is there anything we can do to stop pollution?


A: Well, we may try to reduce it by using bicycles instead of cars or by recycling materials. As for me, I always do so… And you?


B: I’ll try…



Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: ecology dialogue, английский диалог о экологии, диалог на английском о загрязнении , english dialogue about pollution
Просмотров: 1825 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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