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Talking about weather/dialogue
22.04.2014, 17:35


                                            Dialogue I

− What lovely weather we had last week. I hope it keeps dry and sunny this week, too.

− Well, I wouldn’t be sure. Have you heard the forecast?

− No, what does it say?

− Occasional showers tomorrow morning, drizzle and more cloud later on, unsettled for the rest of the week.

− Oh, isn’t that awful! I do hope it clears up by Saturday.

− Why are you so eager?

− Don’t you remember? We were planning an outing for this weekend.

− Oh yes, shall I ask Ann? She is a great one for outings.

− Of course. Phone her, will you?

− All right.

                                         Dialogue II

− Can I speak to Ann, please?

− Speaking. Is that you, Mary?

− Yes. I say, Ann, what are you going to do over the weekend?

− Well, I haven’t made up my mind about the whole of it yet, but I’m staying in on Saturday night. Why?

− Nick suggests an outing on Sunday. Would you like to join?

− Of course. A camping weekend would’ve been a better idea, only I’ve got to stay in on Saturday.

− Well, I know camping’s your hobby, but you’ll have to put up with a day’s outing this time.

− All right. When shall I see you about the arrangements?

− Tomorrow after work I suppose. Will that be convenient?

− Yes, quite. See you tomorrow, then.





Категория: Dialogues | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: talking about weather, английский диалог, диалог о погоде на английском, english dialogue
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