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Energy Supply/topics for school
23.06.2015, 18:59

    The question of energy has two main aspects: type of energy used and amount of energy used. Sustainable approaches to energy supply are based on nonnuclear, renewable energy sources and more effective use of energy, through either improved technology or reduced energy consumption.  
    The environmental consequences of today’s energy policies are potentially catastrophic. The global warming caused by burning fossil fuels will disrupt thousands of kilometers of heavily populated and productive tropical coastline, as well as causing major changes in agro ecological zones in both temperate and tropical areas. Ecologists are concerned that natural ecosystems will not be able to adapt rapidly enough to these changes through migration of plant and animal species, since the climate has not changed this rapidly previously. The ability of human societies to adapt to these changes is an open question.      The burning of fossil fuels also causes acid rain, contributing to the death of large areas of forest in Europe. Toxic heavy metals from fossil fuels are also found in disturbingly high concentrations in soils and vegetation in many places in Europe. The risks associated with nuclear energy are also great, as illustrated by the Chernobyl accident. The answer lies partly in development of renewable energy sources such as biomass, methane, sun, wind, waterfall and wave power. The other part of the solution lies in using less energy and getting more out of each unit of energy (increased energy efficiency).
    Problems: The earth’s biggest problem today is energy. We normally use four things to make electricity: oil, coal, gas or nuclear power. All of these produce terrible pollution problems. Nuclear power leaves dangerous radioactive waste. The others all produce gases- and these gases cause acid rain and the greenhouse effect. And solutions…
Geothermal energy
The first geothermal power station in the world opened in 1904 in Larderello, Italy. Today New Zealand is the country with the biggest percentage of its electricity from geothermal power.   The centre of the Earth is very hot. In some places that heat is not too far below the ground. We can pump cold water down into the hot rocks, and get hot water back. From this hot water we get steam to make electricity. 
Hydro-electric power
A new dam creates a new lake in the mountains. We lose a lot of beautiful country-trees, rivers, wild animals. But perhaps we have to accept that. The result is energy without pollution. And this energy will last forever.  
Wind power
Windmills were first used in Iran 1.300 years ago, to produce food. Today there is a new job for windmills – to produce electricity. They are now called ‘wind generators’. Only the USA has a big programme of wind power. But there are fantastic possibilities. A recent study showed that in the European Union there are good places for 400.000 wind generators. There is only one problem: some people think they are ugly. What do you think?  
Solar power
Have you got a solar-powered calculator? You never have to put in a new battery. Has your house or school got solar panels? In sunny countries they are very common: in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus 90% of houses have solar panels. That means free hot water. And it means no pollution. But can we produce electricity with the power of the sun? The answer is- yes. With mirrors we can concentrate the heat of the sun in one place. We can heat water, and make steam. And the steam can drive an electric generator
Категория: Topics | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: hydro-electric power topic, wind power topic, english topic energy supply, solar power topic, topic about energy supply, geotherm, energy supply topic
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