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Land problem/topics for students
06.10.2015, 20:05

Land problem

Land gives us food, clothes, place to build our houses to live in. We immensely depend on it and, what is more, we can’t exist without it. That’s why land use planning involves every aspect of our lives, we live in a town or in the country, or for that matter any place on the globe. We need to think creatively about where to place industry, commerce, homes, open land for recreation, agriculture, transportation systems (road, airport and railroad lines), institutions (like schools and libraries),services (like water treatment plants)and where to leave natural areas. It is a very complex task to locate all that is necessary for humans and yet to respect the integrity of the land, for instance: are we contaminating our water supplies, cutting down our forests, destroying our wetlands, polluting roads over our most fertile farmlands, bulldozering the rolling hills into flatness, excavating our minerals and destroying the environment?

Every human has impacted the land’s natural resources and in turn the land’s resources have affected every human activity. We are one bound inseparably from the earth upon which we exist. We are totally dependent on the limited natural resources of our world and so we must carefully think about and learn to plan on how to sustain future life on our planet. What kind of legacy did the past generations leave us and what kind of conditions do we want to leave the future generations?

The Volynian land provides people with coal, peat, chalk, clay, sand, loess. Its soil is good for vegetable-growing. Here we grow such plants as potatoes, flax, sugar beet and all the necessary vegetables. This region is not very good for growing corn but it provides people with wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats, etc.


Категория: Topics | Добавил: Fighter | Теги: Земельный вопрос топик на английско, Land Problem english topic, темы на английском языке о сельском
Просмотров: 580 | Загрузок: 4 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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